I am always amazed by how many "firsts" a child experiences and the wonder and awe on their face when it happens. Renn's 2010 firsts were:
I am always amazed by how many "firsts" a child experiences and the wonder and awe on their face when it happens. Renn's 2010 firsts were:
Most days I still find it odd that I can carry on a full fledge conversation with Renn. This helpless baby that just two years ago could only cry as a means of communicating now converses. I stand amazed. I wish I could just have a recorder on at all times to capture all his quirks. But, not possible. Instead a I recorded the things he said as a part of a 1/2 hour drive to the zoo.
I am starving!
There are LOTS of stores.
That's not good.
What's daddy gonna pick?
What's that noise?
Where's daddy? I can't see him. He went in that door over there? That glass one? The glass one on that building? I am going to take my buckles off to go find daddy. There he is!
Now go!
I wanna go down. I really wanna go.
Hey look! Your football game.
I need a tissue mommy.
What do you have in your mouth daddy? Oh. Food? Oh food.
I wanna pick something out of my stocking.
Cars are under there. Cars are up there. Why?
Whoa. That's a huge tunnel.
What's up ahead?
Look daddy. Look up in the sky. There is a flying car in the air. Look up ahead there is a big tunnel. Look there are drums.
That is a really huge drum. Wow! Look at that? Oh. What's that?
Are we ready? Here we go. Whoa.
Sissy, what are you looking at? Sissy, what are you doing?
Look at those big tires, mommy.
Where is cita? I can't see her. Oh, there she is.
I wanna go to the zoo. Look a big building. Where's the zoo? Over there. Holy cow! Where are snakies?
There are times that my heart aches that Renn is being taught by someone other than myself but most of the time I am very thankful for his preschool experience and the opportunities he has at his age. This year he got to perform in his first Christmas "show". It was a very exciting moment from a former stage girl turned mama. In my humble opinion there is a potential future for this man. But, what mama doesn't think that?
Over my maternity leave with Avery we discovered the train set at Barnes and Noble. The prefect free entertainment for my little man. It was then that the plotting and planning began to get Renn his own trains and train table for Christmas. My parents agreed to tackle the train and track angle and Eric and I would tackle the table. Boxes began arriving at our house that I had to hide and Eric assembled the train table on Christmas Eve all for the big WIN on Christmas Day!
This was the first year I felt like he got the excitement around presents. Despite being up late he was up early and ready to go. Wanting to know what was in all the packages below the tree that had excited him for a month. He loved every minute of it!
There has been a shift in Mr. Renn's bed time ritual. Before recently I would have defined it as easy. 7:30 p.m. would come and we would head to his bed, get in p.j.s, read a few books, tell a story, say our prayers, I would give him a kiss good night and he would head off to sleep. Easy!