Sooner rather than later...

We learned today via ultrasound that he is definitely breech and has no room for movement. That means he is coming via c-section a week earlier than his due date.
I am working on looking for the positives and not being too sad. Any prayers you want to say regarding that I am thankful for.
The last couple of weeks have been rough. I am still plagued with constant contractions - most likely cause he is breech and now I have an EXTREME pain in my low back at certain times in the day. They say it is a sciatic nerve thing since it goes away when I walk around.
Eric and I have been so busy with all the this and thats.... buy this, paint that, do this, get that... the list seems to be coming to an end. Only a few more "details" to get down.
Exciting to think he will be here in 3 WEEKS!
Sorry, I have been off line for awhile. It has all just been a bit overwhelming.
It will all be worth it the day he gets here! :)
P.S. - We learned today that he has lots of hair on his head! YEAH!!!!

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